Friday, December 5, 2014


WARNING: If you are easily offended or are allergic to the truth, STOP READING NOW!!!  I repeat, STOP READING, AND STEP AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER...NOW!!!

Everyone else, please continue.

If you are a Black or White person (or anyone else) who thinks Martin Luther King, Jr. would be "rolling over in his grave," regarding the present unrest in our country because he only supported peaceful protests (which MOST have been), but you don't know that MLK said this mere weeks before he was killed, "It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard," then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

If you are a White person, and you believe the justice system works and that Black people only get upset when the system doesn't work for them, yet almost 20 years later, you are STILL upset about the OJ Simpson verdict, and bring it up whenever an issue arises involving race because you believe the system failed, then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!!

If you are a Black person who has made any of these comments about protesters blocking traffic and/or staging die-ins, "THEY just need to stop blocking traffic because it's not going to do any good." "Protesters getting in the street need to be run over." "What is protesting going to do?" "Why is everyone so upset?" "Protesters in the street made me miss my hair appointment." Or, "Those Black people are making all Black people look bad." YET, you have benefited from the Black people who protested years ago so that you could have some of the luxuries you enjoy today, then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

If you are a Black or White person (or anyone else) who has said, "What about black on black crime?" yet do not speak out about " white" crime...period, which is OVERWHELMINGLY higher in 25 of the 28 criminal statistics main categories for TOTAL arrests of ALL people, and higher in the 2 sub categories (check the FBI stats for 2012 -the most recent year- if you think I'm lying), and then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

If you are a pastor of a church, and you are perplexed by the racial divide in our country, yet your congregants are predominately one race (Black, White, etc.) and you have no outreach programs to bring ALL people to your place of worship, yet, you preach about going to Heaven where you will worship with all your other "Brothers and Sisters in the Lord," then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

If you are a member of the media (in any capacity) who has expressed an opinion about Mike Brown, and you have not read ANY of the Grand Jury report that was released or looked at any evidence that may explain the worldwide outrage, yet you still believe the Grand Jury did its job, and/or if you are publicly defending the police officer who killed Eric Garner, or the shooting of Tamir Rice because ratings are more important than facts or compassion, then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

If you are too busy posting selfies, food, quotes, fight videos, self-promotion information, photos of animals (dead or alive), x-rays, bunions, photos of your children, etc., without the slight bit of interest in our society because you are either completely oblivious to anything that doesn't revolve around you, or, you're just apathetic, then...MOVE TO MARS!!

If you are tired of the way things have always been, and you want things to change. If you understand that in order for us to even begin to come together, we are going to have to open our minds, our ears, and our hearts more than we open our mouths, then...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE, and GET INVOLVED!!


  1. As Always Gevie I Can Count On You To KEEP IT REAL!!! SCphotography

  2. This is the mentality in Ferguson

    1. Sorry, that is the mentality of THOSE people in Ferguson. Those FEW people out of THOUSANDS. It's sad that after reading the column, your video post was what you got out of what you read. I'm not even upset with you, Woody. I actually feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to live a life filled with disdain for people you don't even know.

      If your intention was to upset me, sorry, didn't happen. The only person who has the power to move me out of my place of joy is me. :-) So, in the words of the late great Don Cornelius, I wish you love, peace, and soooooooouuuuuuuuuullllllll!!


  3. I stopped going to church for many reasons, but most of all many churches talked unity and would speak about BLACK! Don't get me wrong, I know how the country and world are. I personally could not say I love God and speak negative about whites. When you are Brothers and Sisters, you don't see color. Hell my future husband might be a white man. If he treats me like I want to be treated. Love has no color.

    1. I agree, LaTrice. There are churches whose congregations reflect the the diversity and beauty of all people around the world, though. The thing is, if followers of Christ truly, truly understood his message, there is no way there would be division. I'm hopeful, though. :-) Thanks for commenting.
